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  6. Adcodes


Ad Codes are the codes used in the site to display the ads.

In the “Ad Codes” section of the script, we have 2 types of ad codes. The ad codes of the publisher and the ad codes of admin.

ad codes

The “Publisher Ad codes” are the ad codes by publishers. “Admin ad codes” means the ad codes by administrator.

If admin has an ad publishing site, he/she can create the ad code in the “Admin Ad code” section.

Publisher Ad Codes

Admin can see and manage all publisher ad codes here.

manage publisher adcode

If you want to see the ad codes of a particular publisher, you can select the publisher from the drop down menu.

Click the user name of the publisher to see the complete profile of the publisher.

Click on the Ad code name to see the detail report of the ad code.

You can see the Publisher Adcode Report by clicking on the respective link.

stats of adcode

We can select the time period from the drop down list.

In the “Overall Reports” section, we can see the total impressions, clicks, CTR, Money Spend, Publisher Profit and Profit of admin (PPC Balance).

In the “Time Based statistics”, we can see the hourly report or daily report or yearly report based on the time period selected.

stats of adcode time

Click on the “Publisher’s Ad code Report” to get the details of all ad codes of publishers.

manage adcode reports

Here we can see the adcode name, publisher, type, impressions, clicks, ctr, money spend, publisher profit and balance.

Admin Ad Codes

In the “Admin Ad codes” section we can see all the adcodes created by admin and can create new adcodes.

manage admin adcodes

In this section we can see all the ad codes by admin. Click on the ad code name to see the complete statistics of the ad codes.

The statistics page contains the overall report and the time based statistics as in the publisher ad codes.

To create a new ad code, click on the link “New Ad Code”.

create new adcode

In this select the Advertising Type, Ad code preference, enter the ad code name and select the adblock type and adblock and click the “Create New Ad Code” button.

edit adcode

We can see the adcode preview and ad display code here.

If you want any modification, you can change the editable basic settings and color settings. After changing the values, click on the “Update Ad code” button.

Click on the “Admin Adcode Statistics” to see the statistics report of the admin ad codes.

admin adcode statistics

 We can see the adcode name, type, impressions, clicks, CTR and money gained.

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