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  3. XYZ Admarket
  4. User Guide
  5. Getting Started

Getting Started

The standard XYZ Admarket is working based on the Pay-per-Click or Cost-per-Click (PPC or CPC) model. Using other addons we can add more options to the script.

The XYZ Admarket contains 3 sections.

1. Advertiser Section

2. Publisher Section

3. Administrator Section (Admin Area)

The advertiser and publisher section are available in the public side. Any one can register as advertiser and publisher from the public side.


We can see and login to the advertiser and publisher section by clicking on the respective links in the menu.

In the advertiser section we can see the advertiser statistics and in publisher section, the publisher statistics.

In the admin area, the administrator has the complete view of the entire system.

If the multi language support is enabled in the system, visitor can select the language from the dropdown list in the header.

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