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  5. Text and Image Ads Addon

Text and Image Ads Addon

Installation of Text and Image Ads Addon:

  • Upload the Text and Image ads addon to the “addons” folder in XYZ Admarket script.
  • In the “Manage Addons” page please activate the Text and Image ads Addon.

In Admin Section:

Admin need to create a new banner dimension for the Text+Image ad and then create new adblock for the same.

  1. Create Banner Dimension

For this first go to Adblocks > New Banner Dimension.

new dimension

Here we can create a new banner dimension for the Text+Image Ads.

new dimension 1

Select the Banner Type : Text + Image Ads and add the width, height and file size of the image.

2. Create Adblock.

To create a new adblock, please go to Adblock > New Adblock.

create adblock

Here we can select the Ad Format “Text+Image”.

In the Ad Content Settings, we can select the banner size and select the image position.

create adblock 2

If we set the image position top and Ad Orientation  vertical the ad will display as given below.


If the Image position is top and the Ad orientation is horizontal, the ad display is like the image


Other settings are described in the script features page Create and Manage Adblocks

In Advertiser Section:

When creating a new ad, advertiser can select the ad format “Text + Image Ad” and then select the banner size and upload the banner.

text and image ad


In Publisher Section:

When creating a new adcode, publisher can select the ad block type : Text + Image and then can select the adblock.

text and image adblock


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