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  4. User Guide
  5. Publisher Section

Publisher Section

All the operations of the publisher are available in this section.

To access the publisher section, the user needs to login or register.

To login to the publisher account, please click on the publisher page and a login form is available now.


Here enter the user name and password and click the sign in button.

To register a new account, click on the ‘Register’ button.


In the account information section, enter the user name and password you required. Then select the account type.

If you want both the advertiser and publisher accounts, select ‘both’ in the account type.

In the personal information section, enter your name, address, phone number, email id and country.

In the business information section, enter your domain and upload a company logo.

After entering the details, click the ‘Register’ button.

Your registration is success now and you can login to the member area after activation.


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