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  6. Advertiser Reports

Advertiser Reports

In the ‘Advertiser Reports’ section, we can see the detailed reports of all ads.

advertiser overall report

This image shows the overall reports. Here we can see total impressions, clicks, CTR and total money spend.

advertiser time based report

In the time based reports, we can see reports for the selected period.

For the ‘Last 12 months’ period, we can see the reports of each month and for the period ‘Last 30 days’, we can see the reports of last 30 days in details.

advertiser click analysis

In the click analysis report, we can see the details of all the click we received.

It shows the time, Ip address, country and money spend on the click.

The click analysis report is available for last 30 days only.

advertiser geo report

In the Geo Report, advertiser can see the country wise reports.

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