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  6. Email Templates

Email Templates

We have different email templates in the XYZ Admarket script. Admin can change the content of the emails in this section.

email templates

To edit the email content click on the “Edit” button. The different templates are given below.

{ADMARKETNAME} is the template variable used for the site name. Also the emails contains some other templates variables. The list of template variables are given with the documentation.

  1. Password recovery – This email is used for password recovery. This email contains a template variable {PASSWORD}, which is used for new password.
  2. Email confirmation – This email is used as email confirmation mail. This email contains a confirmation link and on clicking on this link, users can confirm their email address. The template variable for the confirmation link is {CONFIRMURL}
  3. Welcome message – This is the welcome message to the user after successful registration to the site with advertiser and publisher status. Here the variable {ADVSTATUS} represents the advertiser status and {PUBSTATUS} represents the publisher status.
  4. Account status updated – This is the mail send to the user when their account (publisher and advertiser) status updated.
  5. Ad status – This is the mail send to the advertiser when his/her ad status changed (approved/blocked etc.). The variable  {NEWSTATUS} is used for the ad status. {AID} is used as the ad id.
  6. User account deleted – This is the mail send to the users when their account is deleted from the site by admin for any reason.
  7. Ad deleted – This is the mail send to the advertisers when their ad is deleted from the site by admin for any reason.
  8. Payment request approved – This is the mail send to advertisers when their payment is approved. The variable  {PAYMENTMODE} is used as payment mode (bank, check etc.) and {AMOUNT} as payment amount.
  9. Payment request rejected –  This is the mail send to advertisers when their payment is rejected. The variable  {PAYMENTMODE} is used as payment mode (paypal, bank, check etc.) and {AMOUNT} as payment amount.
  10. Withdrawal request approved – This is the mail send to publishers when their withdrawal request is approved. The variable  {PAYMENTMODE} is used as payment mode (paypal, bank, check etc.) and {AMOUNT} as withdrawal amount.
  11. Withdrawal request rejected – This is the mail send to publishers when their withdrawal request is rejected. The variable  {PAYMENTMODE} is used as payment mode (paypal, bank, check etc.) and {AMOUNT} as withdrawal amount.
  12. Account balance low – This is the mail send to advertisers when their account balance is low.
  13. Ad budget crossed – This is the mail send to advertisers when their ad budget crossed the limit. The variable {AD_ID} is used as ad id.
  14. Mail from admin – This is the general email notification template.
  15. Payment Success – This is the payment success message to advertisers if their paypal payment is successful. The variable {PAYMENT_MODE} is used as payment mode and {TRANSACTION_ID} is used as transaction id.
  16. Payment Failed – This is the payment failed message to advertisers if their paypal payment is not successful. The variable {PAYMENT_MODE} is used as payment mode and {TRANSACTION_ID} is used as transaction id.

The template variables used in the script are given below.

  • {ADMARKETNAME} – Admarket Name/Site Name
  • {PASSWORD} – New password
  • {USERNAME} – Username
  • {CONFIRMURL} – Confirmation URL
  • {ADVSTATUS} – Advertiser Status
  • {PUBSTATUS} – Publisher Status
  •  {NEWSTATUS} – Ad Status
  • {AID} – Ad ID
  • {PAYMENTMODE} – Payment Mode (paypal, bank, check etc.)
  • {AMOUNT} – Payment Amount
  •  {AD_ID} – Ad ID
  • {PAYMENT_MODE} – Payment mode
  • {TRANSACTION_ID} – Transaction ID
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