There are 2 types of ads here.
The ads by advertiser and the default ads/public service ads.
Advertiser’s ads are the ads created by all advertisers.
Public Service Ads/Default ads are the ads created by admin and these are displayed if there is no relevant advertiser ad present in the system.
Advertiser’s Ads
Admin can see and manage the advertiser ads here.

It shows the ID of the ad, name of the ad, Device, Ad pricing, Advertiser name, status, Ad format and a link for operations.
We can filter the ads based on the Ad Pricing (CPC, CPM, HTML etc. if addons available), Ad Format (Banner Ad, Text Ad) and status (Active, pending,blocked)
We can see the ad on mouse over the ad ID.
Click on the operations link to activate, block or delete an Ad.

Click on the ad name or ad ID to view the ad details.

In this page, we can see the Rate, status, budget, daily budget, start date, end date of the ad etc.
Keywords – These are the keywords assigned to an ad. This shows the keywords and their click values.
Keywords – These are the keywords assigned to an ad. This shows the keywords and their click values.

Locations – These are the locations where the ad is displayed. If it is world wide, the ad will display in all countries.

Device Type – This is the ad displaying devices, operating system and browser. We can specify an ad for desktop or mobile.

Reports– The overall report shows the total impressions of the ad, clicks received, CTR(Click Through Rate), Money Spent for the ad, publisher profit and the profit of admin(PPC balance).

Keyword Reports – In the keyword based statistics, we can see the click value, impressions, clicks received, CTR(Click Through Rate), Money Spent for the ad, publisher profit and the profit of admin (PPC balance)for the ads with the particular keyword.

Time Reports – In the time based statistics, we can see all these data for the hours/dates.

We can view the report of the period of “Today”, “Yesterday”, “Last 14 days”, “Last 30 days”, “Last 12 months” , “All Time” and “Custom Date”.
When we select the custom date, please use the From Date and To Date and submit.
Default Ads
Admin can create and manage public service ads here.
These ads will display in publisher sites if there is no advertiser ads to display in publisher sites.

Admin can see the Ad names, ad type and the status of the ad here.
We can do the basic operations like edit, activate, block, delete here.
To edit the Ad, click on the edit button.
To activate or block an Ad, clickon the respective buttons
To delete a default Ad, click on the Delete button.
To activate or block an Ad, clickon the respective buttons
To delete a default Ad, click on the Delete button.
To create a new default ad, click on the link “Create Default Ad”.
In this section/page, admin can create a default ad(public service ad).

For this, first select the Ad type.
We have 2 types of ads. Text Ad and Banner Ad.
Text ads contains title, description and display URL. The banner ad contains only images.
Text ads contains title, description and display URL. The banner ad contains only images.
For a Text Ad, we can add the name of the Ad, Ad Title, Ad Description, Display URL and Click URL(Target URL).
In the Click URL you need to enter the complete path with https:// prefix.
You can add anything as Display URL and this will display in the ad.

For a Banner Ad, enter the name of the Ad, select the banner size from the dropdown menu, choose the banner and enter the Click URL(Target URL). The ad will display only the banner.
Note: Admin can change the count of Ad Title, Description, Display URL in the “Ad Display Settings Page”.