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  5. Admin Section
  6. Addons and Themes

Addons and Themes

In the “Addons” section we can manage the addons and change the addon settings.

addons and themes

We have 3 sections here, Manage Addons, Addon Settings and Manage Themes.

Manage Addons:

In the Manage Addons section you can see all the addons purchased and avail to purchase.

manage addons

You can click the “Buy Now” button to purchase an addon.

To activate the addon, click the activate button.

Addon Settings:

In the Addon Settings section you can see all the activated addons and manage the settings.

CPC Settings

The CPC addons settings are given below.

CPC settings

Publisher Profit Percentage – This is the profit percentage to publisher. If you set 40%, publisher will get 40% of the click value and admin will get 60%.

Minimum CPC Rate – This is the minimum rate of the clicks. Advertiser cannot use a lesser value for the clicks. Please note that it is the rate for 1 click.

Minimum CPC Total Budget – This is the minimum total budget advertiser can set for an ad.

Minimum CPC Daily Budget – This is the minimum daily budget advertiser can set.

CPC Impression Tracking Interval – This is the time interval for tracking a cpc impression. If the value is 1 second, the impression is counted only if the ad is displayed for 1 seconds.

Manage Themes:

In this section we can see the installed theme and the available themes for the script.

manage themes

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