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  7. Format Settings

Format Settings

We can manage the date and time formats , number formats and currency formats here.

XYZ Classifieds - Date Format

  • Day (D/DD) – Display date in single digit or double digit (Eg: D/DD=7/07)
  • Day Position  (First/Second) – Display day before month or after month. (First : 07-May, Second : May-07)
  • Month  (M/MM/Mon) – Display month in single digit, double digit or in 3 letter words (Eg: The month March can be represented as M-3, MM-03, Mon-Mar)
  • Year  (YY/YYYY) – Display year in 2 digits and 4 digits. (Eg: Display the year 2013 as YY-13, YYYY-2013)
  • Hour  (H/HH) – Display hours in single digit or double digit (Eg: H/HH=7/07)
  • Minute  (M/MM) – Display minutes in single digit or double digit (Eg: M/MM=7/07)
  • Second  (S/SS) – Display seconds in single digit or double digit (Eg: S/SS=7/07)
  • 12/24 Hour Format – (12 Hour/24 Hour) – Display hour in 12 Hour/24 Hour format
  • Date Separator – This is the separator used to separate the date fields of date/month/year
  • Time Separator – This is the separator used to separate the time fields of hour/minute/second

XYZ Classifieds - Number Format

  • Decimal Place – It represents the decimal places
  • Thousand Separator – This is the separator used to separate the thousands in a number
  • Decimal Separator – This is the separator used to separate the decimal values.

XYZ Admarket - Currency format

  • Currency Symbol – We can enter the currency symbol here.
  • Currency Position – We can select the currency position. We have 2 positions for currency.
    • Prefix – Display symbol before the amount (eg: $ 10)
    • Suffix – Display symbol after the amount (eg: 10$)
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