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  5. How can I use XYZ Admarket display and tracking in a different server?

How can I use XYZ Admarket display and tracking in a different server?

  1. Please go to admin dashboard > settings > Ads & Ad Display
  2. In “Ad display settings” there is an option “Additional server exists for ad display” and make it YES.
  3. Now in the “Display Server Domains”, enter the ad display domain url.
  4. Also please change “Additional server exists for tracking” to YES
  5. In “Track server domains”, enter the track domain url. (You can use the same url for display and tracking)
    additional servers
  6. Save this configuration.
  7. Now open the file “config/system.php” (you can use ftp or file manage to open the file)
  8. In this file, please configure DISPLAY_BASE and TRACK_BASE
  9. Now copy the folders (with content) CACHE (with permission 777), “Common/helpers” , “config” , “display”, “library (excluding core folder)”, “track” and the files crossdomain.xml, index.php, startup.php to the new servers.
  10. That’s it.
  11. Please contact us if there is any issue.
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