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  5. Device Targeting Addon

Device Targeting Addon

Installation of Device Targeting Addon:

  • In the “Manage Addons” page please activate the Device Targeting Addon.

device targeting addon

  • In the device targeting addon settings page we can enable the operating system targeting and browser targeting.
    device targetting settings
    Click the “Update” button and the addon is now ready to use.

Advertiser Section:

  • While creating a new ad or editing an ad, advertiser can select the device to display the ad.
  • In the “Manage Targeting” section in ad, we can see the device, operating system and browser.
    device targeting
  • Here advertiser can select “All Devices”, “Desktop & Laptop” or “Tablet & Mobile”.
  • Advertiser can select the devices, operating system and browsers.
  • The ad will display in the selected devices, OS and browsers only.
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