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  5. Cost Per Action (CPA) Ads Addon

Cost Per Action (CPA) Ads Addon

Installation of CPA (Cost Per Action) Ads Addon:

  • Upload the CPA Ads addon to the “addons” folder in XYZ Admarket script.
  • In the “Manage Addons” page please activate the CPA Ads Addon.
  • Now you can set up the CPA Ads settings and click update. CPA-Settings
  • The CPA Ads Addon is now ready to use.

Advertiser Need To:

  1. Create a new CPA ad by selecting Ads > Create Ad   CPA-Ad
  2. Select the Ad Type: CPA, enter the ad details, and click the “Create Ad” button.
  3. Now advertiser will get a tracking code. CPA-track code
  4. Copy this tracking code and paste the code in the page where the action takes place page (sale success page, signup success page, etc.).
  5. Advertiser can select the keywords > locations > category > device etc. if available.

Publisher Need To:

  1. Create a new CPA Ad Code by selecting Adcodes > Create > Select Adcode Type: CPACPA-adcode
  2. After entering the details click the “Create Ad Code” button.
  3. Now you will get the ad display code. 
  4. Copy the CPA Adcode and paste it on the page.
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