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  5. Coinpayments Bitcoin Gateway Addon

Coinpayments Bitcoin Gateway Addon

Installation of Coinpayments Bitcoin Gateway Addon:

  • Upload the Coinpayments Bitcoin Gateway Addon to the “addons” folder in XYZ Admarket script.
  • In the “Manage Addons” page please activate the Coinpayments Bitcoin Gateway Addon.
  • Now edit the settings page and add the API keys.
    coinpayment settings
  • After entering the “Merchant Id”, “IPN Secret”, select the countries and update the settings.

How to find the “Merchant Id” and create “IPN Secret” in coinpayments

  1. Go to https://www.coinpayments.net/login and login.
    coinpayment login
  2. In the dashboard, please go to Accounts > Account Settings.
    account settings
  3. Here we can see the “Merchant Id”
    merchant ID
  4. Now, please go to “Merchant Settings” and you can set the IPN secret.
    IPN secret
    Here you can add your IPN secret and save it. Use the same IPN secret in the plugin settings.

Advertiser Payment section

In the advertiser payment section, advertiser can select the coinpayments option.

pay with coinpayments


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