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  3. Social Media Auto Publish
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  5. I cannot see the auto publish option when creating a new post?

I cannot see the auto publish option when creating a new post?

Please make sure that the auto publish plugin is selected in the “screen options” in the post.

  1. For this please click on the “Screen Options” link in the top right corner in the post.

screen options 1

2. Now select the auto publish plugin

screen options 2

3. We can now see the auto publish option in the bottom of the post.

screen options 3

If you are using the latest Gutenberg editor,

  1. Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner (shown in the image) and select the options.
  2. Now in the options select the social media auto publish (or the using plugin).
  3. You can see the social media meta box just below the post editor.
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