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  5. How can I use the alternate solution (smapsolutions app) for publishing posts on Twitter

How can I use the alternate solution (smapsolutions app) for publishing posts on Twitter

Note: Due to recent changes in Twitter’s developer API pricing, we are no longer able to offer support for new users of the smappsolutions package. The cost of the required access tier is currently beyond our resources.
We recommend existing users leverage the {PERMALINK} functionality in message format to display tweet previews with Twitter cards enabled when sharing to Twitter. This approach minimizes API calls compared to media uploads.
If media upload functionality is critical, users can create their own applications on Twitter with the appropriate access tier.
We have temporarily disabled the purchase option for new Twitter users within smappsolutions. We are unsure when this functionality will be restored.”

We are introducing an alternate solution where you can use an already approved app to auto post your wordpress posts to Twitter.

Please note that “This solution is a paid service and the price starts from USD 10 per year”.

The procedure is given below.

Step 1: Premium Plugin

In the Twitter account section in the plugin, please select the approved app option

Please enter other details and save them.

Now click on the authenticate button.

It will display a popup and login to your Twitter account.

Step 1: Free Plugin

Please select the approved app option and click on the connect to xyzscripts account button.

Now it will display a popup to login to xyzscripts or register to xyzscripts.

If you are creating a new account, it will send a confirmation mail to the registered email and click on the confirmation link.

After confirming the email, please save it and click on the “authorize” button.

Step 2: Applicable to both Premium and Free Plugins

Now you can purchase the SMAP Package. The price depends on the number of Twitter accounts, API calls per hour per account.

For publishing a simple text message, it will take 1 API call, the Upload image option will take 2  API calls and the attach link option takes 1 API call.

Posting MethodNo.of API calls required in Twitter

Simple Text Message.


Attach Link


Upload Image


Multi Photo Upload

2 + 1 x No.of images

Upload Video


After purchasing the package and successful payment it will redirect to Twitter authorization flow.

Now click on the Authorize App button.

After authorization is completed, the connected Twitter username will be listed.

Click the continue button,it will redirect to the edit-account page, where the selected pages are displayed.

Now save the account and it is ready to publish to the connected twitter account.

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