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  5. How can I publish an image to social media using the meta keyname option?

How can I publish an image to social media using the meta keyname option?

We can do this in the Social Media Auto Publish Premium plugin.

Please do the following settings.

  1. In the plugin settings page, please set “Meta Keyname” as the first image preference. (See the image)
  2. Set a value (eg: a_social_image) for the Meta Keyname. (See the image)


3. Now go to the “Add new post/ Edit post” section.

4. Here we can see the “Add New Custom Field” option. If the meta key name is already present, please select it from the drop down and in the value field, please add the image url.


5. If there is no meta keyname in the dropdown, you can create a new one by clicking on the Enter New link. (as given below)



6. Now select the social media account to publish and update the post.


7. Now the image you have selected will publish to social media.




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