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  5. Can I restrict auto publish to certain categories only?

Can I restrict auto publish to certain categories only?

Yes, you can specify the categories which need to be auto published from the settings page.

Section 1: Free plugin

Section 2: Premium plugin

Section 1: Free Plugin

Go to Settings > General Settings and under “Advanced Settings”, you can see the option “Select post categories for auto publish”.

Now select “Specific” and it will display all the categories and you can select the categories you want to auto publish.

specific categories free plugin

Section 2: Premium Plugin

Go to Settings > Basic and under “Taxonomy Settings”, you can see the option “Select post categories for auto publish”.

Now select “Specific” and it will display all the categories and you can select the categories you want to auto publish.

There is also another option “Category selection mode for auto publish”. Here you can select auto-publish if the post is linked to all the selected categories or linked to any of the selected categories.

specific categories

We can do this or override the basic settings in each social media account.

For this, go to Manage Accounts > Select the account, and under “Override Publishing Settings” we can see the option “Override default settings for post publishing”. Enable this option and select “Specific Categories” for category selection.

Now you can specify the categories and also set the category selection mode as given in the following image.

specific categories account wise

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