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  7. Add Banner

Add Banner

We can add 3 types of banners to category or product here.

add banner

1. Banner Type : We have 3 types of banners. Home Slider, Home banner of 320 x 150 px size and another home banner of 980 x 100 px size.

2. Banner Name : Enter a name to the banner.

3. Banner Position: This is applicable only to 980 x 100 px home banner. We can select the position of the banner here. We can add the banner in the bottom of the featured product section, recent products section or in the bottom part of each featured category.

4. Upload an Image : We can upload the banner here.

5. Banner For : We can add the banner for category or a product. Select the type here.

6. Select Category : You can select a category from the drop down menu.

7. Select Product : This is applicable if we are adding the banner to a product. In such a case, click the ‘Show Products’ button and we can select the product from the list as given below.

Add Banner - select product

Click on one product to select the product.

After filling all fields click submit and the banner is added to the category or product.

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