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  3. Contact Form Manager
  4. Installation


Installation of Premium Plugin

  1. Download the latest version from XYZScripts Member Area.  (See the link How can I download the script/plugin? for more details)
  2. Upload  the zip pack through the plugins page or upload the folder to plugins folder using ftp.
  3. Deactivate the free plugin. (Don’t delete the free plugin.)
  4. Now activate the premium plugin.
  5. Create the license key from the XYZScripts Member Area and use it when asked. (More about generating the license key is available in How can I create the license key? )
  6. The premium plugin is now ready to use.

Instructions for updating the premium plugin from an older version

  1. Click on the update available link in the plugins page and follow the instruction. It will update the plugin automatically.
  2. After updating the plugin, deactivate the plugin and then reactivate it.

In some case, if the ioncube loader is not present in your server, it will not update automatically. In such a case please use the following instructions

  1. Download the latest version from XYZScripts Member Area. (See the link How can I download the script/plugin? for more details)
  2. Unzip the plugin pack and upload this to your site through ftp. (The upload through the wp-plugins page won’t work as the folder name of the old and new versions are same.)
  3. After uploading all files using ftp, deactivate the plugin and then reactivate it.
  4. If there is any issue with the images or style, please clear the cache from the browser.
  5. Now the updated plugin is ready.

Installation of free plugin

  • Download contact-form-manager.zip from wordpress plugin section
  • Extract contact-form-manager.zip to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.


  • Search for contact form manager in wordpress plugin section
  • Click the “Install” button
  • In the admin panel under plugins activate Contact Form Manager.
  • You can configure the settings fromContact Form Manager menu.
  • It should now be completely set up and functional.

Instructions for updating the free plugin

  • Click on the update link in the plugins page for automatic update of the plugin
  • Deactivate and then reactivate the plugin to create additional database tables if any.


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