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  5. How can I generate the PayPal Identity Token?

How can I generate the PayPal Identity Token?

Step 1: Login to your “Paypal Business Account“.

Note: “PayPal Identity Token” is available for “Business and Premier” accounts only.

Step 2: Click on “Profile” option at the top right of the page.


Step 3: Click “Profile and Settings”

profile and settings

Step 4: Click the “Selling Tools” tab in the left menu.

selling tools

Step 5: Click on the “Update” option in the “Website Preferences” tab

website preferences

Step 6: Select “On” for Auto Return & fill the Return url

Auto Return

Step 7: Select “On” for Payment Data Transfer & click Save

payment data transfer

Step 8: Now you can see the Identity Token just below the Payment Data Transfer section.

identity token

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