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  5. How can I change the messages and labels in the script?

How can I change the messages and labels in the script?

We are using 2 php files to store the labels and messages.

These files are labels.php and messages.php in locale/en_US folder or the corresponding language folder.

The labels used in public files are present in the labels.php file.

To change the label, please replace the existing label  with yours.

(Eg: If you want to change the label of item description “Description” to “Item Description”, change
$label[‘item desc’]=”Description”; to
$label[‘item desc’]=”Item Description”; in the labels.php file)

The notification messages are present in the messages.php file.

In this file, you can see different messages. You can change these messages if required.

For example, one message in the file is

$message[‘mandatory’]=’Please fill in mandatory fields.’;

You can change the message like

$message[‘mandatory’]=’Please fill all required fields.’;


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