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  5. How can I add new languages in the script?

How can I add new languages in the script?

The script comes with multi language support and some predefined languages.

1. In the “Site Content” section in admin area, click the “Manage Locale” section.

manage locale 2

2. Now click the “Add Locale” link.

manage locale

3. Enter the language details.

add locale 1

Here Locale Name is the language code. Here we are using the German language and the locale name is de_DE

Locale description is the name of the language and Locale Direction is the direction of the language. We have 2 locale directions LTR (Left to Right) and RTL (Right to Left).

Examples for LTR languages are English, Gernam, French, Spanish etc.

Examples for RTL languages are Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu etc.

4. Create a new folder “de_DE” in “locale” folder in the server.


5. Now copy the two files (labels.php and messages.php) in the en_US folder and paste it in the de_DE folder.


6. Open the 2 files and translate the labels and messages to new language.

You can see the code like

$label[‘text only’]=’Text Only‘;

Please change this to

$label[‘text only’]=’Nur Text‘;

Here you need to translate the text in the RED COLOR only.

So change the labels and messages and save it.

Now from the front page a user can select the language.



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