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  5. How can I open the link in the content outside the popup?

How can I open the link in the content outside the popup?

There are 2 methods to open the link outside the popup.

a) Disable the iframe settings in the settings page.

That is select ‘Display as iframe’ to “NO”.

Now the popup will open in the same page and so when we click a link, it will open in the window outside the popup.

Using this method, the link will open in the same window and not in a new tab.

b)While adding a link, use the value target=”_blank” with the <a href >tag.

For example, <a href=”https://xyzscripts.com” target=”_blank”>XYZScripts</a>

Using this method, you can open the link in a new tab.

This method will work even the popup open in an iframe.

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