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  6. Configuration Settings

Configuration Settings

These are the basic configuration settings.

XYZ Classifieds - Settings

In the Settings, the first one is Configurations. The details of the Configurations Settings are given below.

There are different tabs for different settings. These different settings are General Settings, Item Settings, Premium Settings and Email Settings.

General Settings:

The General Settings details are given below.

XYZ Directory - General Settings

Engine name : This is the name of your directory site.

Public page logo : You can add a logo here. This logo will display in the header of the site(in public side only).

Admin page width : This is the page width of the admin panel. You can set this in percentage or in pixels.

Public page width : This is the page width of the user side of the site. You can set this in percentage or in pixels.

Minimum password length : This is the minimum length of the password.

XYZ Directory - Monetary Settings

Paypal Email : This is the paypal email of the admin. Admin will get all payments to this paypal id.

Paypal API Username : This is the username of your paypal API.

To view the paypal API details, please go to the paypal developer page https://developer.paypal.com/.

In this page please select “Application” as in the given image.


In the application page select “Sandbox Accounts”.


Now we can see the sandbox email address. Click the “profile” link just below the email address.


Here we can see the Paypal API username, password and signature under the API credentials.


Paypal API Password : This is the password of your paypal API.

Paypal API Signature : This is the signature of your paypal API.

Paypal Currency : This is the paypal currency used by the admin (eg: USD). We can use only the currencies supported by paypal.

Currency Symbol : This is the symbol of the currency you are using (eg: $ for USD, € for EURO etc.)

Currency Position : This is the position of the currency symbol. You can use it as prefix (eg: $100) or suffix (eg: 100$)

XYZ Directory - Social Media Settings

You can connect your users with your social media links. For this you need to add your social media links here

Facebook Url – This is the facebook url to your account.

Twitter Url – This is the twitter url to your account.

Google Plus Url – This is the google plus url to your account.

Captcha Settings

Enable captcha verification : If enabled, it will display a recaptcha verification (image verification) during registration process and when sending a support ticket to admin.

When enabled, you need to enter the recaptcha public key and private key. You can generate the recaptcha keys from https://www.google.com/recaptcha/whyrecaptcha

Item Settings

XYZ Directory - Item Settings
Maximum Ad title length : This is the maximum length of the ad (item) title.

Maximum Ad description length : This is the maximum length of the ad (item) description.

Image max. size in KB : This is the maximum allowed size of the images attached with each item in Kilo Bytes.

Image max. height in px : This is the maximum height of the attached image in pixels.

Image max. width in px : This is the maximum width of the attached image in pixels.

Additional Image Count : This is the number of additional images allowed for each items. If you have used the value 4 here, the user can upload total of 5 images of the item.

Default Ad Image : This is the default ad (item) image if no image is uploaded by the user while adding an item.

Item display order : This is the order of the items to be displayed in the site. If the order is based on the publish time, the last published item will display in top of the site. If the order is based on the ‘last edited time’, the last edited item will be displayed in top of the site.

Default item status : This is the default status of the item added by user. There are 2 status, pending and active. If the default status is pending, admin need to enable it to make it active.
If the default status is active, the item will appear in the site instantly.

Premium Settings

XYZ Directory - Premium Settings

Enable premium listing : In the site you can display the items as premium.

The premium listing items will be displayed in the top of site with some highlighted settings. The premium listings are paid listings. You can enable the premium listing here.

Premium items display/category : This is the number of premium items in a category. If this value is 5, it will display 5 premium items in a category.

Enable Home Page Listing : We can display the items in the home page also. For this enabled the home page listing.

Recurring Payment

Recurring Frequency – This is the frequency of the recurring payments. The available frequencies are daily, monthly and yearly.

Premium Listing Amount : This is the price for making an item premium (for the frequency selected).

Home Page Listing Amount : This is the rate for displaying an item in the home page (for the frequency selected).

Email Settings

Admin Email Address : This is the email address of the admin. This is mainly used for password recovery. If you click on the forgot password link, the new password will send to this email address.

General Notification Email : This email address is used to get emails from clients and to send emails to clients (you can use another email address to send emails if using the SMTP mail).

Default Sender Email : This is the email used to send emails if the SMTP is not enabled.

Default Sender Name : This is the default name of the sender.

SMTP Mailing : You can enable/disable the SMTP settings. If SMTP enabled, enter the SMTP details.

SMTP Auth : This is the SMTP authentication. In some mail server the authentication is mandatory.

SMTP Debug : Enable this option to find the errors when using SMTP.

SMTP Host : This is the SMTP host name. The usual value will be localhost if you are using the same server to send emails.

SMTP User : This is the user name of the SMTP user.

SMTP Password : This is the SMTP password

SMTP Port : This is the SMTP port. The usual port value is 25 for localhost. It is different for different servers.

SMTP Secure : This is the SMTP secure values. Some SMTP secure values are notls, ssl, starttls etc.

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