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  3. Custom Field Manager
  4. User Guide
  5. Basic Settings

Basic Settings

Click the ‘Settings’ link in the Custom Fields menu to load the page.


We have 3 settings here.

1. If mandatory field is not filled : While creating a new post if the custom mandatory field is not filled, we can “set the default value for the field” or “save the post as draft“. You can select the option from the drop down menu.

2. Add shortcode for displaying custom field values  :  There are 2 options, automatically and manually. If we select Automatically,  it will display the custom field values in post,pages and custom post types automatically. If we select the Manually option, we need to enter the shortcode in the posts/pages.  The shortcode is [xyz_cfl_shortcode id= “{POST_ID}”] where in the place of {POST_ID}, you need to enter the post id.

3. Enable credit link to author : You can enable this option to add a credit link to xyzscripts.com in your site footer.

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